Multiply your generosity.
Vine began as a way to help people and that's still what we do. We started by stuffing vehicles with donated medical supplies and driving them down to where the need was overwhelming. All these years later, we still work hard to help people in need, and we haven't lost our sense of adventure. But we've learned how to be more effective - we get more supplies to more people who need them, for less money.
Doctors, nurses, clinics, and orphanages pick up the supplies they need at Vine's distribution center in Guatemala
We ship what they need.
Our ministry partners in Guatemala are the men and women who have dedicated their lives to living and working in vulnerable communities. They know what the needs are, and we work to find supplies that will really make a difference. Sometimes antibiotics will save a kid's life, and sometimes a good clean bandage will. Very often, a nurse serving the poor communities in rural Guatemala can't afford either, and that's where we come in.
The Platillero family used Vine to provide wheelchairs for hundreds of families
We ship on your behalf.
We only do this on behalf of our giving partners. A great joy over the years has been to turn thousands of monthly gifts into regular shipments of crucial supplies to the right people. But we've also become stewards of some large gifts, and those have allowed us to multiply the scale of what we do, and to become more effective.
We get the right supplies to the right people.
Vine is a way to connect needs and resources. The real beauty is that the needs and the resources run both ways: Our partners working in hard places in Guatemala couldn't serve like they do without this support, and our partners in the US couldn't serve poor families in Guatemala without this connection.
“In Vine, I found people who understand what I do, who come from God, and who open the door for me to MULTIPLY what we do.”